What Is Garcinia Cambogia Extract?
Garcinia cambogia is the Latin name for a small tropical fruit that is found in India and Africa. It is a member of the citrus family, but it is too sour to eat like an orange or even a lemon. However, its rind is used as a spice in Indian cookery.
Researchers into natural weight loss products extracted hydroxycitric acid from the garcinia cambogia fruit. They found that this substance can help to reduce appetite, or more precisely, it can reduce a person's tendency to overeat. It triggers the signal that tells the brain when we are full. This signaling mechanism is delayed in many overweight people so hydroxycitric acid can be very effective for them.
Of course, some of us continue to eat even after we feel full. This is usually known as comfort or stress-related eating. Garcinia cambogia natural weight loss products can help with this too, because hydroxycitric acid (HCA) can give us the same calming effect that food produces.
Some studies have found that the weight loss effects of HCA are increased when it is combined with chromium as a supplement. Many people who overeat have been found to have low levels of the essential mineral chromium, especially as they grow older, so it is added to many natural weight loss products. Chromium helps to regulate the body's blood sugar levels and it may be helpful for diabetics, but see your doctor before taking any supplements or natural weight loss products if you have diabetes or other health conditions.
Most people taking natural weight loss products containing HCA follow a normal diet without eating any special foods. Of course, it helps if this is a healthy normal diet, not the hamburger-and-fries regime that many people consider to be a normal diet in our society, but there are no forbidden foods.
Choose healthy foods and try to stop when you notice that you feel full. This should be easier if you are taking HCA. There will be moments when you want to eat (or continue eating) and you are aware that your body does not really want that food and you have a choice. Learn to stop at that point most of the time, and that's how you will get the most benefit from HCA as a natural weight loss supplement.
Of course, not all natural plant extracts are healthy, some can even be poisonous, but HCA in the form of garcinia cambogia extract has been extensively tested and no side effects have been identified for sure. Since it is a member of the citrus family, migraine and arthritis sufferers may notice a worsening of their symptoms which are often sensitive to citrus. HCA should not be taken by children or by pregnant or nursing women without medical advice, but that is true of all natural weight loss products and other supplements. To have a look at great Gracinia Cambogia extract supplements look here, here and here
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