Whether you're just starting out on your journey toward a bangin' new bod, or you know the ins and outs of health and fitness, you've probably made some mistakes in your nutrition. When it comes to shedding fat, we often fall into a trap hoping we are doing the right thing. In reality, we may be doing ourselves more harm than good.
There's a lot of nutrition and diet information out there—it's easy to get lost in the mountains of tips, rules, and new terminology. For all you know, "Paleo" could be a new type of deadlift. When I first started trying to lose weight, I had no idea what I was doing. I read what I could and made a lot of errors. And though making mistakes and learning from them is part of the process, you can make the road a little less bumpy with some good information. Here are seven mistakes I've personally made. I want to share them with you so your road to fat loss is as smooth as possible.
1. Buying "Fat-Free" Food
If you find yourself buying food that's labeled as "diet," "fat-free," or "sugar-free," drop the package and run the other direction immediately. Many people see these buzz words and assume that what they are buying must be healthy. In reality, these words usually mean the food you're about to purchase is anything but healthy.
When food companies remove a nutrient like fat to make a food "fat-free," they have to add something back to make it palatable. These flavor-boosting ingredients generally include a hodgepodge of chemicals you can't pronounce, refined carbohydrates, and ample amounts of sugar.
Together, these additives can be detrimental to your fat loss goals. Stay away from the processed, packaged, and pre-made foods. Stick with fresh, whole foods with minimal ingredients.
2. Not Eating Enough
If you want to lose fat, the first logical step is to cut your calorie intake, right? It makes sense then, that the more calories you cut the more fat you lose. Wrong! Seriously cutting your calories may work for a short period of time, but your metabolism will slowly shut down and eventually come to a screeching halt.
If that's not bad enough, when your caloric intake is too low, your body begins to use your hard-earned muscle as fuel, a process known as catabolism. If it happens, it could further hinder your fat loss. I realize that eating more sounds counterproductive to a fat loss goal, but trust me, more food is usually better. If you cut your calories too much for too long, you're not going to see results.
3. Going to Extremes
We live in an all-or-nothing world. For a lot of people, dieting is definitely no exception. I've heard it all: "You have to eat 10 times per day for fat loss!" "Make sure you get 600 grams of carbs." "Never eat fruit or dairy products." "You need these 30 supplements to be successful." Sure some of these things may work for some people, but whatever happened to the middle ground? From my experience, going to extremes got me nowhere but right back where I started.
If you're in this for the long haul, like you should be, remember that balance and moderation are keys to your success. My suggestion: Start somewhere in the middle. Slowly add or subtract until you find the right balance for you.
4. Hopping on the Latest Fad Diet
If you've tried The Hormone Diet, the cabbage soup diet, the 3-Day Diet, the Blood Type Diet, or some crazy juicing thing, you need to listen up. Fad diet advertisements try to suck you in by presenting the "latest research" and showing stories of success. Generally, fad diets work. But, they only work for a short peiod of time. When you go back to normal life, don't expect your body to join you.
The majority of these diets proves unhealthy, extreme, and shouldn't be practiced for an extended period of time. I always tell my clients: "Don't do anything you can't or won't keep up for the rest of your life." Healthy eating should be a lifestyle change, and unless you see yourself eating cabbage soup everyday for the rest of your life, stay away from fads.
5. Clocking Out (and I Mean All the Way Out) for the Weekend
I've been guilty of this on a few occasions. OK, you caught me—it happens almost every weekend. A cheat meal is perfectly fine, and can be beneficial mentally, and physically. But if you clock out at 5 p.m. on Friday from both the office and your diet, we may have a slight problem.
Stuffing your face all weekend with everything you didn't eat during the week will not only slow your progress, but can stop it. Sometimes, it can even completely reverse what you've worked so hard for. Depending on your goals and progress, one cheat meal, sometimes two, is usually OK. Get back to eating your healthy foods as soon as possible. Don't allow your cheat meal turn into a free-for-all cheat weekend.
6. Ignoring What Your Body Tells You
Believe it or not, we have hormones that regulate functions telling us we're hungry and when we need to stop eating. When we stop listening to these signals and eat right through the "I'm satisfied" zone and speed into the "I'm stuffed" zone, problems like obesity happen.
On the other side of the coin, eating on such a rigorous and inflexible schedule voids these hormonal signals as well. Sometimes, we get so caught up eating exactly 300 calories every three hours that we forget to listen to what our body is saying. I'm not saying throw everything you know out the window and stuff your face all day long, but when is the last time you really stopped and listened to your body's hunger signals?
Are you hungry when the clock strikes every three hours? Are you so hungry you could eat the paint off the walls? Are you still hungry when you finish your meal? Experiment with relying on your body, not the clock to tell you when to eat. You may be surprised by what you learn.
7. Forgetting to Live Life
Do you find yourself obsessing over every gram of broccoli you put in your mouth? Do you eat tilapia and asparagus at least four times per day? Do you have a panic attack if you can't eat "Meal 4" exactly 2-1/2 hours after "Meal 3?" If so, it may be time to stop, slow down, and breathe. Don't let the quest for health become an unhealthy obsession.
Call breakfast what it is—don't say "Meal 1." Go out with friends, eat a piece of chocolate; listen to your hunger signals. Smile, relax, and have fun. Don't forget to live your life!
Lose Fat With Metabolic Cooking
Metabolic cooking is a fat loss recipe programme by Dave Ruel and Karine Losier, aka the “Musclecook & Lean Kitchen Queen”. The programme claims to help both males and females with losing body fat by turbo charging your metabolic rate. It’s actually a group of 9 cookbooks which lists 250 recipes which skyrocket your metabolism thus helping you lose weight.
Here is a quick list of the pros and cons of the program
Nothing's perfect and here are the flaws I noticed in this diet plan:
- As this is a collection of cookbooks so it might seem like a daunting task for someone who inexperienced when it comes to cuisine. It could take a novice a couple of days to get the hang of it.
- Some of you who are expert fitness trainers might find this a bit too basic but you have to understand that this was written keeping in mind the average Joe who doesn’t know much about weight loss so it covers the basics and then moves onward.
- There are over 200 recipes in there so it took me quite some time to sift through them all and decide which ones I would like the best – according to my taste of course.
- Simplicity: This is their fault and the reason of their success. The simplicity of the book is outstanding. I didn’t get confused even once. It takes you by the hand and explains everything in detail.
- Cutting Down on Your Favorite Dishes: Probably the best thing about this system- You don’t have to let go of your favorite dishes. You can eat whatever you want; you just have to follow the guidelines of the book while making it; which by the way, for me improved the taste even more!
- Limitless Weight Loss: The amount of weight loss depends on you and you alone. You can lose 5 pounds or 50 pounds. Your choice.
- Economic Factor: This system proved very economical for me. The ingredients in the dishes are pretty cheap and easily available everywhere.
- Metabolic Nutri-Profile: This is a unique profiling system that designs from scratch a nutritional profile which varies for every person. This is what it looks like:
- Guarantee: Though I don’t see why this system wouldn’t work for you. But if for some reason you are not satisfied they will refund you every cent no questions asked!

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